john cena

John Cena has take the world by storm. His Perfectly buff yet incline form has lead him to achievement in WWE and Hollywood much the same. A sharp competitor John prepared his physique right from the age of 15. Shockingly , originating from a residential area foundation his workout is noticeably basic and you also can have a figure like Cena in no time.the fundamental regiment comprises of center quality preparing, as John's persona on wwe is of a force monstrosity. He does cycles of building and slicing at regular intervals to stay split all around the year. He takes after the Vince Delmonte style of training.the workout has a go at something like this .

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The John Cena Workout



Level Bench - 4 x w/u - 7-6-5

Grade Bench - 4 x w/u - 7-6-5

Decrease Bench - 4 x w/u - 7-6-5


Military Press - 4 x w/u - 7-6-5

Behind Neck Press - 4 x w/u - 7-6-5

Barbell Upright Row- 3 x 7-7-7

Dumbbell Side Laterals - 3 x 10-10-10


Standing Calf Raises - 5 x 15-12-10-8-6 (30 second rest between sets)


Power Movements

Rack Dead Lifts - 3 x w/u - 5-5 (bar at knee level , lift until knees are practically bolted. More level, rehash)

Ordinary Dead Lift - 4 x w/u - 5-4-3

Plate Dead Lift - 3 x w/u - 5-3 (stand with recuperates on a couple of 45 pound plates)

Force Cleans - 4 x w/u - 7-5-3


Standing Calf Raises - 1 x 100 - No Weight



Wide Grip Pulldown Back - 4 x w/u - 10-10-10

Wide Grip Pulldown - Front - 3 x 10-10-10

Close Grip Pulldown - Front - 3 x 10-10-10

Dumbbell Pullovers 3 x 10-10-10



Super Set - Skull Crushers/close Grip Bench - 4 x w/u-10-10-10

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension - 3 x 10-10-10

Link Triceps Press Down - 3 x 10-10-10


Cambered Bar Curls - 4 x w/u - 10-10-10

Standing DB Hammer Curls - 3 x 10-10-10

Slant DB Curls - 3 x 10-10-10

Lower arms

Barbell Wrist Curls - 5 x 15-12-10-8-6 (30 second rest between sets)


Standing Calf Raises - 5 x 15-12-10-8-6 (30 second rest between sets)



Leg Extensions - 4 x w/u-10-10-10

Leg Curls - 4 x w/u-10-10-10

Expected Squats - 4 x w/u-7-6-5

Sumo Squats (wide stance) - 3 x 7-6-5

Highbar Squats (feet 1 ft. separated) 3 x 7-6-5


Standing Calf Raises - 1 x 100 - No Weight

This is only one of Johns workouts. You can get such a work tweaked for you by Vince delmonte who has prepared John Cena. His books hold impeccable data about putting on or getting in shape and the right eating regimens and supplements. Take after that eating regimen and this workout and you'll turn into a superfreak like John Cena without a moment's hesitation.


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