leonardo dicaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio, born Leonardo Wilhelm Dicaprio, were born in November 11, 1974 in The Angeles, California to parents Irmelin Inderberken, a legal secretary previous, and to George DiCaprio, an underground artist of comic also when distributor of book of the comic. I read is more known for his election of big functions that has won several prizes since. His most of remarkable functions include his breakthrough performance in This Boy's Life, Which's Eating Grape of Gilbert, Titanic, Romeo + Juliet, Diamond of Blood, The Aviator, Gangs of New York, The Departed, and his most of recent film, Revolutionary Road. It has been nominated in all the important prize that gives bodies like BAFTA, SAG, and the Prizes of Academy.

Leonardo DiCaprio always has been known to be full of zest and spirit. It was appointed after Leonardo big Gives Vinci after it kicked his mother while still in his womb when admired a Give Vinci painting in the Uffizi.

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fine leonardo dicaprio

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finest leonardo dicaprio

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newest leonardo dicaprio

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cute leonardo dicaprio

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great leonardo dicaprio

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fantastic leonardo dicaprio

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cool leonardo dicaprio

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awesome leonardo dicaprio